YAGI Group Information
We deliver the potential of materials
YAGI is evolving not only as a raw material supplier but also as a coordinator of materials in all areas, including apparel and materials. In response to the accelerating globalization of textile product manufacturing bases, we continue to take new steps to adapt to changes in the raw materials business.
In addition to developing original, highly functional, and high-quality threads through partnerships with synthetic fiber processing manufacturers and processing plants, YAGI also cooperates with plants in Japan and overseas to provide apparel businesses and specialty store retailer (SPA) companies with high-quality textiles. We have earned trust not only in apparel applications but also in the automotive, interior design, industrial materials, and environment-related industries by providing a stable supply of optimal materials to a wide range of countries and industries.
Customers / Industries
Main products and services
Life Style
Enriching people’s lives from closer at hand
Our history of involvement in textiles has also been one of pride in helping to enrich the lives of others. That is why we at YAGI are working on new plans and manufacturing projects in which we turn our attention back to the inherent gentleness and warmth of the materials in order to contribute to diversifying lifestyles. In addition to developing curtains, rugs, sheets, and other long-loved merchandise, YAGI has also begun handling organic skincare products in recent years. While serving the world as a textile trading company that is closer to people’s daily lives than ever before, we will also continue to contribute to society while taking our impact on the environment into consideration.
Main products and services

More smiles through fashionability and functionality
We also strive to create products that keep up with the times through our original planning and development capabilities and our reliable production system. Early on, YAGI introduced plan proposal-style original design manufacturing (ODM; production in which products are undertaken from the planning stage through to manufacture and supply), and our global production network enables us to manufacture products in a stable manner in short periods of time. YAGI offers men’s, women’s, and children’s apparel, as well as sports and outdoor wear, which require a high level of functionality. To reach a wider audience, we supply not only apparel manufacturers but also mass merchandisers, boutiques, and more.
Customers / Industries
Main products and services
Brand Retail
Value that deserves to debut
In order to further benefit of the world utilizing our expertise as a textile trading company with a thorough knowledge of materials, textiles, and even apparel, we are participating in the establishment of original brands and licensing agreements through an approach unique to YAGI with its refined skills and sensitivities. We are also promoting fashion retail businesses both in Japan and overseas from the position of “a professional team for solving new issues in fashion.”